What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a hands-on approach to healthcare, recognising the important link between the structures of your body & the way it functions.
An osteopath uses anatomical and physiological knowledge, along with skilled clinical evaluation to assess and diagnose the source of pain. They look at the whole body for the causes of injury, as well as barriers to recovery.
Osteopaths use a wide range of techniques to improve the relationship between joints, muscles, nerves and circulation to restore full function to the body.
Search for an osteopath in your area
Osteopaths treat more than you think
The most common complaints we see are back and neck pain, but osteopaths treat a lot more than this. Contact your local osteopath to find out how treatment could help you.
Always choose an OCI registered Osteopath
Before visiting an osteopath check that they are registered with the OCI. As a member of the Forum of Osteopathic Regulation in Europe, the OCI is committed to providing quality healthcare for patients.
Osteopathy is suitable for all ages
Osteopathy is not only beneficial for joint and muscle pain, but can also assist with problems that arise during pregnancy and early childhood. Techniques can be adapted to suit any age or condition.